Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ephesians 3:20 grant APPROVED!!!

What a BLESSING that Steve and I were home together when the call came in.  The message requested us to call back in reference for a grant we applied for.  Together, we called expectantly.  Hopeful.  Filled with anticipation.  "We have approved your request and want to partner with you in this adoption."  What sweet words!!!!

We have many more applications in process, and we believe that some of them will not pan out or prove fruitful for us. But to hear the word APPROVED regarding our very first grant, well, the Lord knew we needed that encouragement.

We are still a long way from funded, and this grant does not pay until we have travel authority so there are many funds to raise in the meantime, but this was a GREAT moment for us to treasure.  To know that this organization chose us, and believes in our mission was a tremendous perk to our week and this journey thus far.

To those who have been prayerful with us, praying expectantly knowing the Lord will provide, thank you.  He has heard our prayers.  I was asked recently if I think we should have waited, saved our money and when we had "enough" and were "ready" then we could move forward.  No, I believe God has these two children specifically for our family, and waiting would have meant walking away from them.  Besides, no matter how much money I have on hand, I have come to see the fundraising for adoption as a community builder.  It allows others to be a part of giving back, to contribute to something abundantly worthwhile.  I am amazed at the "community" we have become a part of, and look forward to these next few months of bonding with "the village."

For today, we shall rest in the words, "Your grant has been APPROVED!!!"

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