Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Donations ETC...

Warning, this is a LONG post :)

Adoption is expensive.  And the money part of adoption seems to be a HOT topic.  One in which almost all people have an opinion, curiosity, confusion, or concern.  So this post is to address the financial needs of adoption as well as where we stand.  We are an honest, transparent family, and I want YOU to know where your $$$ is going and how we are using it.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Less than SIX weeks to go!

Ok, ok I will admit, we don't have EXACT travel dates, but our best guess right now is to be leaving around June 26th.  That's only 38 days.  Let that sink in.  I hadn't REALLY been counting down until I mentioned only having 6-7 weeks left and they nudged me and said, "I think that is actually less than 6 weeks."  Seriously, wake up call!  Want to know what the UP TO THE MINUTE NEWS IS????