Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Less than SIX weeks to go!

Ok, ok I will admit, we don't have EXACT travel dates, but our best guess right now is to be leaving around June 26th.  That's only 38 days.  Let that sink in.  I hadn't REALLY been counting down until I mentioned only having 6-7 weeks left and they nudged me and said, "I think that is actually less than 6 weeks."  Seriously, wake up call!  Want to know what the UP TO THE MINUTE NEWS IS????
What a crazy fast roller coaster ride so far.  Our Dossier is officially IN CHINA and now we are waiting for our Log in Date.  After that things will move very quickly.  As you know, one of the two children we are adopting is aging out of the adoption system, so we have to be there and have everything finalized PRIOR to July 20, 2015.  At this point our estimate is to be leaving around June 26, and returning no later than mid July.

So for now....we wait.  And pray.  And fundraise.  And get the house ready.  And wait.  Did I mention the waiting part?  I will say, a paper pregnancy can typically last from 12-24 months, and we are only 5 months "pregnant" so it could be worse!

We are so very very grateful for those who have chosen to partner with us in prayer.  Here is a short list of our specific prayer needs:

  • Please pray for our son and daughter in China, that their hearts will be prepared for us.  That they are well cared for in China.  
  • For their nannies and other children at the orphanages.
  • For the day we will meet them!
  • For the birth families
  • For quick paperwork processing
  • For the attachment of these children with our family, to include siblings
  • For Kobie, Asher, and Jeremiah....that their hearts are prepared, and for bonding with their new siblings.
  • For the travel there and long flights home.
  • For provision of the remaining funds needed.
Many people have asked, "Where do you stand regarding funding?"  We are thrilled to say we are more than halfway to being fully funded.  That means the adoption of ONE child is completely covered, God is GOOD and His provision through each of YOU has been amazing.  We are beginning to fundraise specifically towards the orphanage donation which is roughly $5700 per orphanage.  That comes out to about $11,400.  If you would like to be a part of blessing the specific places that have cared for our children, as well as many others yet to come, here is a list of our current fundraiser endeavors.  

  • Tshirt sales - $20 plus shipping - http://keirjourneytoseven.blogspot.com/p/love-makes-family-we-chose-this-wording.html
  • Barn sale - May 30, Colorado Springs at our home (accepting donations for the sale now)
  • Ipad Mini 3 Giveaway May 31st when we reach $2000, will you help us get there? - We are at $210 so far.  http://keirjourneytoseven.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_27.html
  • Online Auction June 1-7 (Got something to donate for use in the auction?)
  • Puzzle pieces - $20 a piece, still 78 pieces left - Want to become part of our story?
  • Direct Donation- Want to help by a straight donation?  You can use Reece's Rainbow for a tax deductible donation, click the link to the right.  
Any donations made toward our adoption are now counting toward a MATCHING GRANT of $1000!  

I know many of you have given, I am so touched to see our tshirts all over Facebook land!  If we were to have 100 people pledge $50 to our family this week it would bring in $5000 toward the orphanage donations, will you help?  Maybe 200 people at $25?  Skip that meal out, pedicure, fancy date night....I promise you, you will get all warm and fuzzy by doing a good deed, helping orphans come HOME!  We are praying fervently for the Lord to use His people in joining together to support these two lives.  We are providing a forever family for them, but YOU are a part of their journey HOME!  We are so excited to hear from many of you who are blessed to be a blessing <3

I will continue to update in our Facebook adoption group - if you are not in that group but would like to be kept in the loop - request to be added here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1585703581642132/

The updates regarding our kids....what you REALLY want to know! 

Our agency director was in China this past week and got to visit WITH our little one.  She appears to be roughly the same size as Jeremiah (they are only 2 weeks apart in age) and is just OH SO SWEET...I can't WAIT to share her photo once her files are straightened out in Beijing.  You are gonna LOVE her.  They boys and I have been steadily preparing for a GIRL....we got her a BED and have made over the closet to accommodate clothes and such....it's becoming so REAL that soon we will have a DAUGHTER in the house!  

"Li" is in a foster home, so visiting with him specifically was not able to happen, so my updates are still pretty non descript at the moment.  We have requested to "QQ" with him, which is along the lines of Skype.  Oh how I want to SEE him and tell him we are coming to him, to bring him hope for a future!  Please pray for his heart, as he is questioning our motives, this process, America...everything.  I cannot even begin to imagine what this must feel like to a 13 year old.  

I will share some things here, but most details come through the Facebook group only because the settings are more private there than on here.  We cannot express enough how grateful we are for YOU being a part of this journey with us.  For those that have emailed, called, or messaged your kind words of support, trust me when I tell you it is MOST appreciated.  Satan is in full force, as we are experiencing tremendous amounts of spiritual warfare through this process.  If you ever want to discover who your friends are, the character of people, or what motivates people....adopt.  It has brought out the bad and ugly from some, but an amazing amount of our friends and family have been kind, thoughtful, generous, and displaying such care and concern for our family - we are truly BLESSED by you.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post Deanna! I am praying for you guys.
