Saturday, June 6, 2015

Yard Sale Extravaganza!!

Praising the Lord for not only a successful yard sale, but all the other PERKS that came with it!  We saw GOODNESS in the people in our life, support from so many areas, and we were able to be a BLESSING to others in the process!  And isn't THAT what living out our faith is really all about?
I know the big question that everyone wants to much did we raise?  Over $1200!!  We are so grateful to each and every person who donated, some people we knew, some we didn't.  And to ALL our friends who helped spread the word to get people here to shop, THANK YOU!!

The Fire Dept spouses came out and offered complimentary face painting - what a great addition to the sale and support of us, so thankful!!

Jeremiah shopping the Bake Sale!  My friend Ahnna stayed up till the wee hours baking and make a cute little donation box to go with it - that GIFT  to us brought in $80 all by itself!

There were so many opportunities to share our heart and passions, it was a day filled with positive and encouraging conversations!  Many people shared their own adoption stories, many asked for ways to get involved on their own personal journey to adopt, and many were very generous in their donations.  Some who had nothing were able to get something great for little to no donation.  We were blessed to be a blessing and so grateful to the many many people who donated to this event.

One note to share....I attended a clothing swap a couple of months ago, and after the swap the ladies there donated the leftover clothing to me for this sale.  We are talking high quality good condition stuff!  There was another lady at the swap who wanted the clothes for her MOPS group, so they can use it in the Fall for fundraising as well.  Many families added to the clothes we had, so with everything from that swap and donations we had 5 full racks of clothing plus two huge tables filled.  At the end of the sale, there was still 12 FULL large garbage bags for me to pass to her for MOPS.  It reminded me of fish and bread, the Lord multiplied what was there abundantly!!

We still have a few furniture items to sell, so I anticipate another $100-$200 from the yard sale overall.  Many people simply drove by and saw the signs, and they had no idea they were coming to a fundraiser!

A special thank you to Steve's fire dept family....he invited them out to help, and they showed up with FOOD and bbq'd for us so we wouldn't have to worry about eating.  Is that such a thoughtful thing to do or WHAT?!?!?  Check out this GREAT truck of donations for my sweet Gwen!!  I can't wait to see HER on one of those bikes!  I was moved to tears by the generosity shown.

In closing....yes the yard sale was a HIT, in so many more ways than just the funding.  We exceeded the goal we had ($1000) and found so much encouragement in the day.  Thank you for coming alongside us for this event!!

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